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Few have a firmer grasp on the arcane like the one held by the witch. Not only do they understand the sheer power and devastation capable of being unleashed through magic, but they have also mastered how to rob others of their own magical ability. By weaving elaborate hexes and spitting venomous ...
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The masters of the mind. There are none more skilled in the mental arts than the mjol. Their lifelong belief that the mind is the most powerful weapon in the realm, has over time forged some deadly, dangerous spellcasters. They believe the body can and will grow weak, and frail. They believe the ...
Hunter, also known as tholec:
Tholecs are nature's purebred hunters. While heitons have a more intimate relationship to mother nature and her forces, they don't understand her animals like tholec do. From a young age, the tholec studies the beasts of the wild, mastering the strengths of each of ...
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The counterpart of the fallad, the daja is another of the angelic healers of the realm. Like their counterpart, they seek to drive the darkness and evil from the world. However, where the fallad would prefer to use force and power, the daja chooses a more passive, curative path. While the sword...
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