
Update 10/25/2014:

- Field aid can now be used to heal targets up to 100% health.

- Field aid now heals +5 hp per 1% training beyond 100%. As such, a nojohr using field aid with 605% will heal 2525 hp with a single bandage, not including the normal hp healed.

- Field aid now rewards the user w...

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Update 10/19/2014:

- The new clan system is live.

- New commands: the "clans" command is now "display clans". "display clan <clan name>" gives details on a specific clan.

- Outcasting currently has no penalty associated with it. We will reinstate the month outcast prevention after the new clan...

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Update 10/18/2014:

- The clan reboot system will go live no later than Sunday, October 19. Some important things you should know:

- All current clans and clan halls will be deleted when the new clan system goes live.

- No new clans can be created with the same name as an existing one.

- Clans...

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Update 10/17/2014:

- Due to multiple player requests for donating anonymity, character donations made via PayPal that include the text "no honorarium" with the character name will receive no honorarium for the given character or clan, but will instead receive one extra sun stone per $50 donatio...

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